Ready to be your own magic wand?

Tools & Trainings to Help You Create a Magical Life #asifbymagic

Magical AF

Magical AF
Magical AF
Magical AF
Magical AF
Magical AF

Magical AF

Regular price $127.00 Sale price $27.00 Save $100

You know more magic is possible. You have always known.
Yet you experience set backs, trip ups and frustration more often than note.
Are you ready to change that?

In this 4 part series you will learn how to be Magical AF to create a life beyond what you have never imagined possible.

You will receive:
🖥️ How to Use Everything to Be Magical AF class video recording
🎧 How to Use Everything to Be Magical AF class video recording
💥 BEing the Magic Wand to Actualize What You Would Like Energetic Exercise

🖥️  How to Engage with Your Energetic Team class video recording
🎧 How to Engage with Your Energetic Team class audio recording
💥 Gifting and Receiving with Your Energetic Team Energetic Exercise

🖥️  Specific Capacities to Be Magical AF class video recording
🎧 Specific Capacities to Be Magical AF class audio recording
💥 Unhiding Your Capacities with Magic Energetic Exercise

🖥️  How to Be Magical AF for YOU Too class video recording
🎧 How to Be Magical AF for YOU Too class audio recording
💥 Receiving From Your Magic Too Energetic Exercise

🥰 BONUS: Private FB Community 

Previously recorded in 2023.

Please note: 
Everything is ready for immediate access.
Nothing physical will ship.